Experts are of the view that people who devote their time and energy to a job they are not cut out for are likely to end up frustrated and unproductive. SIMON EJEMBI writes on the warning signs
There are many people battling to climb the wrong career ladder in the society today, according to experts.
Some blame it on the high rate of unemployment in the country, some say it is as a result of poor career advice or lack of it. One thing they agree on is that it is very tough if not impossible for an individual to succeed in a profession that is not meant for them. The reason is simple; square pegs won’t fit in round holes.
Experts say it takes years for some people to realise that they made a mistake in choosing a career. When that happens, some of them take steps to correct the mistake; others end up stuck, forced to settle for limited success.
There are numerous warning signs an individual can look out for in order to determine if they have erred when they decided what profession or job they would spend their time doing.
The Senior Partner, Smart Work Network Incorporated, a firm which provides companies with solutions for their talent management lifecycle, Mr. Douglas Garner, says he has seen many people who would have been millionaires if they had channelled their energies into pursuing the right career but are battling to survive on the wrong job.