Sunday, 30 June 2013

What To Do To Prevent Cancer

 1. Exercise regularly. Having a sedentary lifestyle greatly increases your risk of developing any kind of cancer. Regular exercise not only improves your overall health, it reduces your likelihood for cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

 2. For women, moderate physical activity reduces estrogen levels, which have been linked to breast cancer.Even a 30-minute daily walk can reduce your likelihood for developing this type of cancer,If you work a desk job, be sure to incorporate exercise into your daily routine by either waking up early to work out, or using your break/lunchtime to take a brisk walk outside.

3.Consider requesting a standing desk at work, if possible.

4.Eat brazil in selenium, a mineral that helps your body's cells repair their DNA and kill off cancer cells.

5.Add garlic to your meals. The sulfer in garlic has been shown to boost the immune system's response to cancer and even reduce tumor growth

6.Eat cantaloupe. Afruit rich in cartotenoids, which have been shown to reduce the likelihood of lung cancer.It also contains Vitamin C, which will boost your immune system.

7.Eat blueberries. It is a powerful source of antioxidants, a molecule which prevents the cell damage in the body that could eventually lead to cancer
 8.Drink green tea. Green tea protects the body against various types of cancer as well as heart disease.

9.Eat fish. Studies have shown that people who eat fish like salmon four or more times per week are one-third less likely to develop blood cancers like leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma.

10.Eat organic produce .For organic product visit your local farmer's market.remember that not all products that say "all natural" on them are organic. Read labels carefully.

11.Practice safe sex. Women who contract the sexually transmitted infection human papillomavirus (HPV) have an increased likelihood of developing cervical cancer
11.Don't smoke Cigarette smoking is directly linked to lung cancer.

*Parents should instill healthy eating habits in their children from a young age.
*The best way to prevent cancer is to find a healthy level of moderation in your life when it comes to both food and physical activity. Constantly depriving yourself of foods and drinks that you love will take a lot of the joy out of life. Learn to be healthy but enjoy yourself at the same time.
*Always be wary of packaged foods that claim to be "natural" or "fat-free." This doesn't necessarily mean they are healthy; in fact, many of them still contain harmful chemicals.
*Early detection is key in preventing the spread of cancer. You should have routine checkups with your primary care physician.

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