Wednesday, 31 July 2013

The Top 10 Most Poisonous Foods We Love To Eat...........................

Our body needs energy, thus, we need to eat. Eating your daily meal is definitely part of your life. There is no other way to live your life on earth other than eating. Choosing the right an healthy foods would be the most preferable way in order to maintain a healthy life. Some people are actually having some trouble in choosing the right foods since they are not sure whether these foods are free from poison. It is really hard to choose the right food to eat if you do not know those foods that can poison you any time. There are foods that you think they are free from poison when they are not. In this case, you really need to be familiar with the food you eat so that you will not experience any signs and symptoms of poison attack or worse, it could lead you to death. Here are the top ten most poisonous foods we love to eat.

10. Mushroom

Have you ever heard of toadstools? If you do, then you probably know that they are poisonous. Yes, they are poisonous and what you do not know is that they are the mushrooms that grows on you backyard. Toadstools is actually a slang word for “poisonous mushroom.” Not really all the mushrooms are poisonous, thus there are significant signs that you can identify whether it is poisonous to eat or not.

9. Puffer Fish

There was a report of an embarrassing deaths due to an intake of a poisonous liver of the fugu. Fugu is actually more known as the puffer fish. In Japan, they really hire an expert chef who knows how to cook this fugu in order to satisfy their customers. In fact, only the flesh of the fugu is taken and prepared since it contains less poison, this is the reason why it is one of the most poisonous foods that most people love to eat.

8. Elderberry
Most people really suffer form discomforts if they happen to eat this kind of food. This is actually one of the most poisonous foods that most people love to eat. The parts of the elderberry are highly poisonous, thus eating without any precautions will definitely lead you to severe stomach problems. It is very important that you only eat the flower of elderberry since it is the free from poison.

Tricks Vulcanisers Use To Defraud Motorists

Even if you don't have a car, you plan to buy one someday now...*winks. So, do read and learn!

It seems that the unwritten rule among vulcanizers is that any car driven into their workshop or makeshift tent must have its tyres inflated, no matter the level of pressure in the tyres! In this way, the owner of the vehicle is made to cough out some money.

The experiences of many motorists in show that most vulcanizers give different readings of tyre pressure.

For example, after the first vulcanizer has said that your tyre is over- inflated, another one reads it as under-inflated. Then a third vulcanizer will commend your decision to check the tyre pressure as any further delay could have been suicidal.

“What some of these guys do is that they don’t even read the pressure at all. They fix the gauge and, in a twinkle of an eye, they shout, ‘No air.’

“The truth is that the pressure may be okay. But, they feel that admitting it may deny them the opportunity to make extra money. So they will tell you that there is no air.

“They pretend to inflate the pressure and turn around to reduce it and collect money from you,” Mr. Okoli Udeh, who operates a commercial vehicle in the city, says.

Experts have warned motorists not to inflate their tyres beyond 40psi or 280kpa. As if to buttress this, the report posted on says, “Don’t inflate your tyres above 40 psi or 280 kpa. By keeping them at their optimum pressure, your running costs are also reduced. Under-inflated tyres require a bigger force to make them turn, so your car uses more fuel. Additionally, tyres that are not set to their correct pressure wear out more quickly.”

Beyond safety, some motorists cut fuel costs by maintaining accurate tyre pressures.

Positive Thinking And Its Effect On Your Health

The first situation to consider is the relationship between thoughts and conditions like depression and stress. A crucial question is whether the person's thoughts are creating the physical depression or the physical depression is creating the negative thinking. When it comes to how you can use your mind to help, this can be accomplished consciously and subconsciously. When someone has a habit of imagining things turning out very badly, rational thinking can show  them that they often exaggerate. However, the unconscious mind is much more powerful in shaping our habitual behavior, oftentimes beyond our conscious control. Visualization and hypnosis can be very effective in modifying beliefs and, if you do this, the long-lasting effects can be more powerful than using logic only.
It is likewise true that positive thinking can have an impact on our physical health, and you may be aware of the placebo effect on people who feel ill. This is when individuals are given a pill which in reality does not have any healing value, and yet they claim to notice an improvement in how they feel. This is evidence of the connection between mind and body, and there are many examples of men and women with a positive outlook being able to recover faster from malady and injury. You can also use the power of your mind to help you in achieving your fitness goals. A historic example of this is when the four minute barrier for running the mile was broken, which had been considered as unachievable up to that point. Once the "barrier" had been broken, other runners also began to break through what had really been a barrier of belief.

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

How to Know if your Online friend Is a Hacker/Cyberbully

1.They ask for personal info. A lot of hackers ask people personal information so they can meet them in real life or hack their computers.

2.Are they treating you with respect. Are they mean? If someone treats you badly then they may well be a cyberbully.

3.Pay attention to your login process and your account. If you have an account on a website and you noticed some stuff changed (example: your profile is different), a hacker has probably done it.

4.What kind of questions are they asking you. Do they ask you technical questions? Hackers try to find out more about your computer and the program's you use on it - it makes hacking easier for them.

5.They sometimes tell you about themselves.

Monday, 29 July 2013

10 Things To Never Say To Your Boss.

In your career, you will inevitably end up saying some dumb or regrettable things to your boss. We all do it to varying degrees at one time or another. The following list of such things is by no means exhaustive, but if you can avoid saying them, you will be doing yourself, your professional persona and your boss a tremendous service.

So, keep these top 10 things to never say to your boss in mind the next time you’re chatting him up by the water cooler.

No.10 “Impossible – that can’t be done.”

This is the kind of shortsighted thinking no boss wants to hear about. It suggests both indifference and a lack of effort. Unless you follow it up with a solution or an alternative, it’s neither proactive nor even helpful to say such a thing.

No.9 “This is the best they could do, huh?”

Whether said in response to new office phones, computers or the banquet hall at a family-style restaurant rented for a Christmas party, this is one of those smart-Bottom comments that indicates to your boss and to others that you have a deluded sense of entitlement. It also belittles the efforts someone — possibly your boss or even his boss — has made.

No.8 “That’s not my problem.”

Be that as it may, this presupposes the existence of a problem and, more than likely, a frustrated boss or coworker in need of some assistance. At the very least, your boss is looking for someone to take responsibility of the solution to this problem — even if it wasn’t yours to begin with. That means he already knows it’s not your problem, so you can spare him the reminder.

No.7 “That isn’t in my job description.”

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Habits That Wrecks Your Teeth

There are certain things we do on a regular basis which cause havoc to our teeth. These habits may be intentional or unintentional. They include:

Chewing on Ice
It’s natural and sugar free, so you might think ice is harmless. But munching on hard, frozen cubes can chip or even crack your teeth. And if your mindless chomping irritates the soft tissue inside a tooth, regular toothaches may follow. Hot foods and cold foods may trigger quick, sharp jabs of pain or a lingering toothache. Next time you get the urge for ice, chew some sugarless gum instead.

Playing Sports without Mouth Guard
Whether you play football, hockey, or any other contact sport, don't get in the game without a mouth guard. This is a piece of molded plastic that protects the upper row of teeth. Without it, your teeth could get chipped or even knocked out when the action gets rough. Self-fitting mouth guards may be purchased at a store, or you can have one custom made by your dentist.

Bedtime Bottles
It’s never too early to protect teeth. Giving a baby a bedtime bottle of juice, milk, or formula, can put new teeth on a path to decay. The baby may become used to falling asleep with the bottle in his or her mouth, bathing the teeth in sugars overnight. It's best to keep bottles out of the crib.

Tongue Piercings