The 3 C's of marriage are CONNECT,CHANGE and CREATE
The simple truth is that marriages become stressed and troubled by a lack of connection.Humans are designed for connection and when we do not get the connection we need,we feel like we are starving for attention.
The longer the disconnection is, the more a relationship suffers.
But the path back is simply rebuilding the connection. In fact,the heart of reviving the relationship is just that.
Problem is,at one time or the you are likely to get a bit angry or get hurt,this might want you to disconnect but to save that marriage you need to reconnect this is the way out it revives marriage. Continued disconnection starves and strangles the marriage.Even if it is your spouse that is going out of connection focus on reconnecting. When you reconnect, your spouse will eventually follow.You are the one that is working on saving the marriage.
If you are working to save your marriage, at least for the time being, you have to set aside your own wishes and hopes for connection coming your way. Focus on providing connection. Practically speaking, someone has to take action. Take that on as your task.
2.C-hange Yourself
step 2 in saving your marriage is change yourself. Grow and develop into a higher caliber personregardless ofwhere you are now.
To be honest we all have places where we can improve and grow. We all have places where we are not maximizing our potential, where we are not “showing up.”Something happens to all of us when we “settle down.” We stop growing and developing. And as we do this, we begin to lose ground. Eventually, if someone is not careful, the attractiveness that our spouse once saw, begins to wane. We slowly move toward a state of stagnation.
It is at about this time that people start screaming, “but why should I have to keep trying to attract my spouse? Why can’t my spouse just love me?” Again, a good philosophical
question.Practically speaking, if you are trying to save your marriage, you want to become more
and more attractive to your spouse — not less.
In the process to save your marriage, you will want to change yourself. Grow. Develop. Become more of what you know you need to become. In the end, you will be more satisfied with life. And the more satisfied you are, the better your chances of saving the marriage. You become, in the process, more attractive to your spouse and to yourself.
3.C-reate A New Path
Marriages fail because couples disconnected. Marriages fail because individuals stop growing. And finally, marriages fail because the individuals that make up the couple never knew
where they were headed.
So the final step is to create a new path. Imagine where your
marriage could head, and what your marriage could be. Don’t just ponder it for a moment, but really consider it.
“You and Me” is the start of a relationship. But if a couple does not understand, and does not get to “WE,” then they will eventually drift into “You versus Me.” Destruction of the relationship follows, for the simple reason that nobody knew.Creating a new path in your marriage is a roadmap to becoming a team
That’s it. That’s all you need to focus upon as you work to save your marriage. Follow those 3 steps, and you can save your marriage, even if you are the only one that wants to work on it!
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